Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Three More Months...

So James Lankford brought Chris Tomlin to our chapel today. He didn't get to sing but it was cool hearing him speak and telling his story. He talked about how when he tries to write "world famous" songs they end up really bad. Those songs actually just come from his heart, through Christ. He said most of them came to him as he was reading scripture.
My school does really cool things like this all the time. Like Gov. Huckabee spoke at our annual banquet, James Lankford came and talked about politics with my class, someone running for governer came to chapel, and Josh McDowel spoke also. We are just verry blessed to get to be a part of these things and i think these people can tell this about our school (that God has blessed us) and that's why they agree to come.
The only real problem at our school is just drama. People spreading rumers, gossip, and some people doing things because they want to be part of that for some reason.
So I'm graduating on May 27th and it's going to be really weird not being able to experience this on a daily basis. Yes i'll be going to a christian college, but it's not the same. cha's been my home, (and sometimes sanity) for thirteen years. Most of my friends go there obviously, and i've invested so much time there and my teachers have invested so much time in me. I'm so grateful for the people God's put in my life and i don't know what i'm going to do without them.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Republican Debate

So today my teacher said she was going to go to the debate for the Rebpublican House (District 5) seat, so i thought i would attend in order to be an informed citizen.(i'm not really in that district but hey, i can inform my friends right?) Ok, i just wanted to hear him debate because he spoke at my school. Yeah.
Anyways, this is what i got out of it. It's mostly notes i took on their diologe but please enjoy it if you desire =)

James corrected the first guy when he talked about special interest groups. They guy said he didn't take money from them and they proceeded to list off some groups that had donated money to his campaign. James was very kind about it though.
The second guy up there was kind of rude when he corrected the first guy.
Bills should be made one topic. No earmarks. James- "If it's sucha  great bill make it stand on its own.
Terrorists should be tried in military courts for war crimes.
The government should stay out of "creating jobs".
The second guy-people are afraid to hire people because of what the government is doing.
Government stimulus is like taking a bunch of credit cards and maxing them out.

Brevity is a virtue. =)
Simple, flax taxes. No tax benifits for special interest groups.
Education is not the Federal, State, or any government's job.

The second guy- shrink government.
The constitution is not whatever you want it to be. Other countries change their constitution every few years which never works.
Illegal immigrants should not be put before legal immigrants. Employment has turned into slavery. The public school has gaudianship agreements incase some kid's parents are deported.
James- my twelve year old was listening to the news when they were talking about healthcare and she asked 'Who's going to pay for that?' So let me get this straight, a twelve year old can understand debt but not the federal government. sigh.
Cut back the UN.
Highschool graduates don't even know the Preamble. Really? I learned that in Kindegarten...
Healthcare- have you been to France or Canada? or for that matter, Massachusets!

Good job guys!!!

James Lankford- http://jameslankford.com/
Kevin Calvey- http://www.kevincalvey.com/
Physician Johnny Roy- no site found
Mike Thompson- http://oklahomansformike.com/home/about/

Sunday, January 31, 2010

SnOw DaY < 3

So today is the fourth day of the now five day weekend. One foot of snow and an inch of ice?? Yes Please!!! I love it, even though i havn't gotten any homework done. It's ok, that'll be tomorrow's goal. I've filled out five scholarship applications this weekend, and that's beside the fact that tomorrow i have to drive 45 minutes in this ice to get a form filled out and find some way to get a cd or tape of me singing two or three songs to mail in on tuesday. And i even got them to move the deadline. So i'll be stressed and booking it tomorrow. Aka i should probably get some sleep which you think i wouldn't need after four days of sleeping in till twelve. but that's just me.